Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Health, Beauty, Happiness

If you're a current follower of Crave More Beauty than you may notice that my blog has adapted a new look- something a bit cleaner and all in proportion (hopefully!), but if you're a new reader than welcome, and I hope that it is more visually attractive and easier to navigate! 

My blog is something that has been neglected for the past few months, and not enough attention for the 4 months before that, that's not because I stopped enjoying blogging, but because I concentrated on myself which allowed to clarify my vision of where I wanted my blog to go; there will be wider range of topics, all of which come under my definition of 'beauty': health, happiness and of course, make-up and skincare. I can now incorporate and share more of what I enjoy and of who I am. 

I am excited to start posting recipes and restaurant outings, small adventures (hopefully some big too)... and about how to feel peaceful and happy with ourselves on a day-to-day basis. I've made the addition of my other social accounts at the top of my page, insta, twitter- you know the ones. It's lovely hearing from others who read my blog and also discovering new ones, pop your link over to me for me to have a scroll and read through with a cup of tea (any excuse!).

"When I decide to be happy, I attract great things in my life". - Robert Holden

1 comment:

  1. this is a good idea; you shouldn't HAVE to keep blogging if you don't feel like it, you will end up resenting it! I hope 2015 brings you balance & BIG adventures!


Thank you for all your comments, if you have any questions I shall get back to you. Xx