Fortnum & Mason are an iconic British store, internationally known for their endless selection of high quality tea, conserves, confectionery and indulgent hampers. After browsing their website, I decided that I needed a replenishment of their Earl Grey, and a stroll on the spiral staircase; there was only one thing for it - to a book a table for two at the end of a long day in London.
Afternoon Tea is one of life's pleasures, I don't know if it's the truly patriotism of it or the celebration of cake - either way it always makes a special occasion sparkle that little bit more, especially when it's at The Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon.
After being distracted by the flowers display and having a Cinderella/Titanic moment on the staircase, we finally made our way up the grand floor levels to a pot of hot, refreshing tea.
The surrounding was elegant, understated and calming.
Although we couldn't contain our excitement when the tier of sandwiches, scones, cakes and petit four came over.
Soon enough our excitement level was excelled when we were told that all plates were able to be refilled with fresh mouthfuls of sugary goodness. Yes, you did read that correctly - a never ending supply of scones with jam and cream!
Although the sandwiches were also a true winner for me.
Keighley and I talked away, drinking and eating our way through countless pots of tea, birthday sandwiches and upwards.
It's a great place to people watch and see the enjoyment that the experience is bring them.
We dashed from Burberry Beauty Box to Fortnums, and couldn't wait to have a play with our luxury samples. Feeling like giants in The Borrowers territory, we moved from miniatures... to more miniatures: petit fours.
Rose Eclairs, Macaroons, Lemon Profiteroles, Mocha Tarts, and my favourite, the one with no name..
I could have these with tea everyday.
Every. Single. Day.
The room was slowly emptying and soon enough there were only a few of us left; they were there to witness our sin - the sin of neglecting the lonely scone, clotted cream and jam. If we weren't feeling guilty enough already, our waitress came over and asked us which slice of cake we would like from the silver trolley. The list sounded delicious but we were full to the brim of tea and cake and had to kindly decline. However, F&M cater for all and kindly offered to pack a little box up with our slice of choice, making the perfect treat for the train home or a little part of the experience to take home with you (which my mother happily accepted). Touches like that show why Fortnum & Mason are still respected after so many years.
A little high on sugar, it was time to do some more shopping!
Jams, Honeys and Teas made their way in the basket to be enjoyed at home to relive the indulgence again and again.
It was the most special ending to my birthday and I could not have enjoyed it any better than with my wonderful friend. If you're looking to spoil someone silly, then book a table and go for the Traditional Tea if you like a classic done well.
That's my Birthday posts finished now until I will be a year older, and hopefully, and little wiser!
Such a cute post :) xx